πŸ’¬ Weed or Wish: Sunday Morning Metaphors

Replied to #rawthought: Weed or Wish: Sunday Morning Metaphors (AmusED)

what if what we thought was detrimental was really beneficial?
what if the messy was better than the perfectly manicured?
what if the foreign (or at least outside influence) was better than the domestic?

Amy, this reminds me of your post about balance and seasons. So often we focus our attention of giving student choice and action, without scaffolding to that point.

We cannot just rip the ‘weeds’ out. There must be flowers in their place for the bees. This is not about ignoring the weeds to me, but accepting then for now for the place they serve.

I think that Benjamin Doxtdator captures this in a recent post on instruction in the classroom:

There is a strong and powerful role for direct instruction and using model texts, but this must take place inside a larger liberatory project that aims to undo deficit theories of language use.

It is about the intent and sometimes that is where the wish lays waiting.

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