VoCo was presented in an ideas forum – nothing there was guaranteed to be developed or released, neither were any timescales given if they were to be. All sorts of things could get in the way of any of them, and clearly a few have in this case. You may be disappointed, but you’re going to have to get over it, I’m afraid.
And if you’re doing anything commercially viable, then yes, you budget for voices. If you took somebody else’s voice and ‘repurposed’ it for your own ends, you’ve effectively stolen from them, haven’t you? Simply by depriving them of work they might have otherwise got. I think that the other thing that’s possibly happened over VoCo is that somebody has realised this, and is somewhat concerned about the possible backlash – and I don’t blame them.(SteveG)
It would seem that others will come though, such as LyreBird.
Jason Kottke provides a further discussion which was also interesting.