I wonder Greg how your blog has developed? Are any ‘changes’ that stand out to you? Has your practice over ten years always been the same? Would love to know.
π¬ The educational blogosphere

I enjoyed Seth Godin’s recent podcast reflection on the different iterations of his blog. He too had an overarching intent, which yourself list as ‘transformation’, but what interested me where the various changes in directions he has taken based on the contexts of the time.
Aaron, great question. I think it has shifted dramatically as I continue to learn how to do the work needed to ensure relevance for young people in schools. As an educator with responsibility for system change, Iβve come to the view that we need to give up the pursuit of improvement. The current system doesnβt need fixing but replacing. New times requires new assumptions and thinking. Hence, my approach to innovation in practice.
My focus over the last several years has been leading from the Centre where everyone has responsibility for transforming schooling. This has led to new ways of learning and teaching. We have gained greater understanding of the power of professional learning communities.
Thirdly, building an enterprise infrastructure to support new ways of schooling and taking as much administrative burdens off schools so they focus on the time on task and the work of improving each childβs learning.
This is a high level insight and is an ongoing iteration. Much time recently is focused on big data/little data and its role and place in supporting teacher work.
In summary, I think Iβm more focused on precision and focused on simplifying the work schools do.
Thank you Greg for sharing. I really appreciate the way that you share ideas and different voices, especially through the addition of the podcast. I guess each little step is about changing the thinking. 500 posts is a lot of little steps.