🎧 The artist and the algorithm: how YouTube is changing our relationship with music (Earshot)

Listened The artist and the algorithm: how YouTube is changing our relationship with music from abc.net.au

You often hear about artists under-appreciated in their time, who don’t find recognition until long after they’ve died.

Little known Japanese composer Hiroshi Yoshimura was one of those people.

Despite being a pioneer of the unique genre of kankyo ongaku – ambient music produced in Japan in the 1980s and 90s – most of his airplay came from the speakers of art galleries, museums and show homes.

He died in 2003, with most of his albums sitting as rare vinyls on the shelves of obscure record collectors.

That was, until a few years ago, when Hiroshi suddenly found millions of fans in the most unlikely place – YouTube.

Miyuki Jokiranta explores the way in which YouTube algorithms promote certain types of music to sustain our time and attention on the platform. This is something touched upon by the Rabbit Hole podcast.

Alternatively, Jez reflects on Music for Nine Post Cards.

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