πŸ’¬ Teaching When Things Go Sideways

Replied to Teaching When Things Go Sideways by Sign in – Google Accounts (W. Ian O’Byrne)

Sideways indicates that the situation is different than planned. It describes a tense situation in which a breakdown occurs, and there is the potential for chaos. There is the need to restore some sense of order, or normalcy.

In today’s world of growth sizes and testing regimes, it can be so easy to lock ourselves into a sense of regular and normal. I remember the school I was at a few years ago grew by 200+ students overnight. It was the middle of Term two. I was in charge of recreating the timetable overnight (literally) and totally adjusting my classes. The current scenario far exceeds this, but what I like about your post Ian was the importance of self care first and fore-mostly:

After you have focused on health & safety, move on to the remaining points.

This can come in many forms. Mental duress. Anxiety. Illness.

I also like Sean Michael Morris’ focus on kindness.

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