Bookmarked Morrison has sailed into treacherous waters that sunk the dreams of those before him (

Usually it’s brand new prime ministers still high on the dopamine surge of winning an election whose thoughts stray to reforming the Federation. But Morrison has a different sort of political capital, writes Annabel Crabb.

With Scott Morrison’s decision to retain the National Cabinet in place of COAG, Annabel Crabb takes a look at the history of federalism in Australia beginning with the decision with the decision during World War II to consolidate income tax in the Commonwealth’s coffers. She talks about the continual negotiations that occur and the temptations to link this to certain conditions.

The temptation for federal governments to attach ideologically-driven conditions to these payments is nearly irresistible, as is the temptation to dive into what are ordinarily state government responsibilities.

This is something that has a significant impact on education.

Liked We don’t need a federal education minister: Re-imagining our federation (The Age)

Beyond a basic co-ordinating role to set national academic standards, it is unnecessary and wasteful for the national government to maintain a large Education Department simply to monitor the states’ management of schools. Indeed, all education (schools and universities) and training could be delegated to the states. Canada does not have a national minister for education – it is totally a provincial responsibility.