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Alannah & Madeline Foundation are seeking the perspectives of young people to help guide the future of the organisation:

In planning for the future, weโ€™re commencing an exciting project that works alongside kids aged between 4 – 18 years of age to understand their perspectives, ideas and desires in order to better inform the way in which we represent and protect them today and into the future.

I remember wondering what the future of things like eSmart would be.

In planning for the future, weโ€™re commencing an exciting project that works alongside kids aged between 4 – 18 years of age to understand their perspectives, ideas and desires in order to better inform the way in which we represent and protect them today and into the future.

I guess it starts with asking those it is designed for to help write the next chapter.

Bookmarked How to choose good online content | eSafety Commissioner (eSafety Commissioner)

The concept of windows, mirrors and magnifying glasses has been used by early childhood development specialists including Chip Donohue, Kate Highfield and Warren Buckleitner. We have extended these ideas to how parents and carers can choose good online content for their children.

eSafety site talks about the use of windows, mirrors and magnifying as ways of considering the content which we engage with. This is another resource to support the discussion of screen time.
Bookmarked Are your words doing damage: how to talk to your teen and help stop cyber bullying (Parent Hub – Dolly's Dream)

The Dollyโ€™s Dream video made by 15-year-old Charlotte McLaverty has taken our understanding of the impact of cyber bullying out of our heads.

Another great piece from Dan Donahoo on cybersafety and the importance of environment.