Bookmarked The Dangers of Distracted Parenting by Erika Christakis (The Atlantic)

When it comes to childrenโ€™s development, parents should worry less about kidsโ€™ screen timeโ€”and more about their own.

Erika Christakis discusses the challenges of parenting in a digital age. This all comes down to distractions and as I have touched on before, this is not always digital. I really like danah boyd’s strategy for dealing with this, that is to say why you are using a device. This openness offers a useful point of reflection. I think that the conclusion to this article says it all though:

Parents should give themselves permission to back off from the suffocating pressure to be all things to all people. Put your kid in a playpen, already! Ditch that soccer-game appearance if you feel like it. Your kid will be fine. But when you are with your child, put down your damned phone.

via Doug Belshaw