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The Indian government recently established guidelines to ban dark patterns in India. These guidelines are made to address underhand practices in digital design. These rules aim to protect consumers from misleading tactics encountered online.

Canvs Editorial Dark Patterns are now illegal in India

I wonder who would actually follow-up with infringements of ‘dark patterns‘?

via Stephen Downes

Bookmarked What gambling firms don’t want you to know – and how they keep you hooked (

When it comes to online casino games and slots, Kim Lund feels that something less cunning is going on: that firms are simply watching what makes money and repeating it in a robotic process of trial and error. “My main gripe with the industry is that it has, to a large degree, been run by people who don’t love it, who treat gamblers as dumb sheep. They see gambling like petrol: ‘We have a commodity – how do we sell it? What else can we sell them while they’re at the gas station?’”

The result is an evolutionary mechanism that rewards the development of addictive content while absolving anyone from the responsibility for its impact.

In an extract from Rob Davies’ book Jackpot, he discusses the dark nudges used by betting companies tempt and manipulate users:

  1. Making you think you’re in control
  2. Disguising your losses as wins
  3. Celebrating near misses
  4. Giving you free money
Bookmarked How ‘dark patterns’ influence travel bookings (

If you’ve wondered whether there were actually 30 people trying to book the same flight as you, you’re not alone. As Chris Baraniuk finds, the numbers may not be all they seem.

Chris Baraniuk reports on the dark patterns prevelent online. This takes me back to Mike Monteiro’s book Ruined by Design.
Bookmarked Dark Patterns (

Dark Patterns are tricks used in websites and apps that make you buy or sign up for things that you didn’t mean to. The purpose of this site is to spread awareness and to shame companies that use them.

Harry Brignull collates a number of tricks used in websites and apps to make users do things they don’t mean to.

Some of the types include:

  • Trick questions while filling in a form
  • Sneak into the purchase basket
  • Roach motel
  • Privacy sharing
  • Price comparison prevention
  • Misdirection and distraction
  • Hidden costs
  • Bait and switch
  • Guilting users into opting into something
  • Disguised ads
  • Forced continuity
  • Friend spam

via Dan Donahoo