Replied to Towards An Ethics of Care in Citation & Openness by Maha Bali (

So my idea of a care ethics of citation and openness is to not assume that anything said or written in the open or shared openly is โ€œup for grabsโ€, but to try to remember who said it, when you can, who inspired you, and to cite them specifically, not generally. Not a general shout out. Not a tag on Twitter, but a citation for the specific ideas in the article.

I often feel that although I may link to ideas via a hyperlink, it wrongly assumes that someone may actually click to follow the thread. I like the way some people use footnotes or plugins which provide more detail about links. For example, Martin Hawksey’s site. In a different approach, I have started using Chris Aldrich’s browser bookmarklet for giving credit.
Liked Reference lists as sites of diversity? Citations matter. (the รฉdu flรขneuse)

Who we cite positions our work in a field. It aligns us with particular epistemologies and ontologies; ways of knowing and of ways of being. It can polarise us from others.

Although a bit different, I have been thinking of this lately in regards to my monthly newsletter. The Semantic Linkbacks plugin provides a tally of all the links referenced (and pinged) within the specific post.

A screenshot of some of my links in one of my posts.

As much as I try and broaden the voices incorporated, I fear that my bias (and ego) my take over. One of these days I should collect this data and analyse it.