Liked bringing back the participatory: a story of the #ProSocialWeb | the theoryblog (

The idea of the #prosocialweb assumes that our small social worlds matter.

Few decision-makers have lived the Best of The Web. What if those of us who have were able to make it visible? To counter the Company Store mythology of capital data solutions that’s gone viral among our leadership strata?

If our contemporary information ecosystem has taught us anything, it should be that that humans are VERY vulnerable to social contagion. All the systems we’ve accepted are neither natural nor inevitable.

And the system I am positioned to make a difference in – at the coordinating level – is networks…so the web and this idea of the #prosocialweb is where I’ll take the subversive hope that underpinned #Antigonish2, for now. To try to counter misinformation, yes. But also to try to push for change, and for a more pro-social and humane digital space through three key ideas: complexity, cooperation, and contribution.

Bookmarked Bringing back the web: The digital literacies we need right now by Bonnie StewartBonnie Stewart (

Who are we when we’re online? And how can we engage in digital spaces in ways that don’t undermine the mandates, practices, and ethos of higher education? The keynote explores the underpinnings of our emergent information ecosystem. Digital and open spaces are being weaponized, while pervasive surveillance and predatory practices are normalized. Trolling and bots are regular features of social landscapes, and people are often hesitant to engage online in fighting the echo chamber. Concepts of what it means to know are increasingly generated outside the academy, in Silicon Valley AI frameworks.

What does this mean for higher ed, and for the future of knowledge in a data society? This keynote, from Virginia Tech’s Digital Literacy Symposium, explores ideas grounded in adult education, critical pedagogy histories, and contemporary open practices—including participatory digital literacies and the pro-social web—that may be ways we can ALL help bring the web back from the brink.

In this keynote for Virginia Tech’s Digital Literacy Symposium, Bon Stewart discusses the current state of the web and makes the case for bringing back a #ProSocialWeb.