Tag: Boing Boing
It is interesting that there has been an increase in rides that may not have occurred previously Clive. This reminds me of an episode of ? Also, Jonathan English wrote an interesting piece explaining what this is not necessarily the solution for the US.
Writing on Crooked Timber, John Quiggin (previously) responds to the epidemic of elderly reactionaries piling vitriol and violent rhetoric on the child activist Greta Thunberg and asks, why not let kids vote?
I am intrigued how you would describe the maturity of Boing Boing? How do you think it has changed and developed in the last 18 years, other than new additions?
By the time Google+ rolled out, there was already nascent discontent with Facebook. Google+ offered all the downsides of Facebook, but with fewer of the people you wanted to connect with.
Cory Doctorow reports on Google+’s demise, with the discovery of a bug associated with the API being its final flaw. He highlights the implementation of ‘real names’ and the push to integrate it within every product as two failures. I like how Dave Winer put it:
Products, to be any good, must be motivated, have a creative purpose.
Some would say that it was crushed from the beginning.
Last year, I spent a month wholely in Google Plus. My reflections can be found here.