Liked My Podcasting Workflow with Amazon S3 and PowerPress (Adam Croom)

I’m putting a summary at the top with my entire workflow:

  • Record podcasts with mics, board, and Adobe Audition.
  • Mix, master, and bounce files with Adobe Audition.
  • Upload audio files to AWS Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Write a blog post in an self-hosted instance of WordPress and added power of the PowerPress plugin.
  • Create a social media card using Adobe Photoshop.
  • Track podcasting analytics using PodTrac.
Bookmarked Dumb Twitter (

Here’s my pitch for a Dumb Twitter app: The app forces you to tweet at the original 140 character tweet length. You can reply. You can’t like or retweet. You most certainly can’t quote tweet. There is no private DMing. Linear tweet stream only.

Adam Croom talks about an ‘dumb Twitter app’ that allows you to just focus on the simple things, such as posting and replying. I wonder if you could use Indigenous and your own website for this?

Also posted on IndieNews

Liked Saving Marshall August 21, 2018 In Uncategorized (Adam Croom)

Do I have need today for high wattage half stack? Not in the slightest. Would  I ever sell it? Never in a million years. I only get to play it a few times a year when I happen to be home by myself (which only happens by accident these days) and want to plug in a Les Paul and crank it up. To me, there’s no more pure rock ‘n roll sound than an LP directly into a Marshall. It gives me a feeling of a joy that I truly can’t explain.