But a good short step would be to build a Facebook-like interface for WordPress, working with the same database, so both the current and the writer’s view work on the same data. Writers are important and for writers flow is everything, how easily can I get your software out of my way and flow my ideas into the minds of the readers.
While Chris Aldrich wonders about the possibility of making some of Winer’s apps into micropub clients:
Given that CMSs and static site services like WordPress, Drupal, Craft, WithKnown, Jekyll, Kirby, Hugo, and Blot all support Micropub either natively or with simple plugins, Dave could easily take his various publishing interfaces and make them broadly available to almost any website on the planet. How many times have I desperately wished I could use Radio3, Little Outliner, Little Card Editor, pngWriter and others to be able to post to other websites instead of just Twitter?!
Dave Winer elaborates on this, arguing that:
about the possibility of making some of Winer’s apps into micropub clients: