πŸ’¬ Blogrolls in WordPress

Replied to Reply to Brad Enslen about Blogrolls in WordPress by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (BoffoSocko)

I’ve written up a bunch of details on how and what I did (as well as why), so hopefully it’ll give you a solid start including some custom code snippets and reasonably explicit directions to make some small improvements for those that may be a bit code-averse. Hint: I changed it from being a sidebar widget to making it a full page. Let us know if you need help making some of the small code related changes to get yourself sorted.

I have been wondering about your following page / blogroll lately. I looked into Colin Walker’s plugin, but really did not want to rewrite all my links.

I have also been looking into archive page templates and assume that just as an archive can be incorporated into a widget or within a template, you have done the same thing with your ‘blogroll’, therefore when you add somebody new (seemingly weekly, if not daily) then your page automatically updates?

2 responses on “πŸ’¬ Blogrolls in WordPress”

  1. I looked at Colin’s version too, but ran into some issues with it displaying almost EVERYTHING and needing to hand prune things down to a more manageable level.
    My Following Page uses the Links Manager functionality, but instead of embedding the blogroll into a widget it allows me to use a shortcode to embed it into a page. So really it’s not an archive, but when I update with new links, the page runs the shortcode and updates it all (pending some page caching on the back end).
    I do wish I had a browser bookmarklet that would allow me to click on a site I want to follow to parse the page and return all the relevant data automatically, but alas my javascript skills for attempting such a thing are rubbish.

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