๐Ÿ“‘ Playable Lego Piano

Bookmarked Playable Lego Piano (ideas.lego.com)

Making the LEGO piano playable was my main focus when I designed this model, and at the same time, the most challenging part of the build. Finishing the model and seeing it work smoothly brought me great satisfaction. I spent a long time just siting there playing with the LEGO piano keys, imaging the sounds of a real piano. This is a great example of the creativity and diversity of LEGO bricks.

I recently stumbled upon the Lego Ideas series. The intent is for creators to share their custom creations, with some going through the process of being put into production. There are some fantastic creations, but the one that stood out to me was the working piano. What stood out for me was the way in which pieces were appropriated for different purposes.

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