πŸ’¬ Play At Work

Replied to Matthias Ott (matthiasott.com)

So the next time you are trying to solve a problem, give yourself permission to explore it freely. Build a few prototypes. Try out things with an open mind and without presumptions. And when someone walks by and asks what you are doing, just answer:

I really enjoyed this reflection on play Matthias, one to add to the list (Brendan Hyndman,Β Narissa Leung,Β Adrian CammΒ andΒ John JohnstonΒ ). Personally, I went to two gatherings on the weekend and although there were games and colouring books, the kids had more fun with a piece of string and a bunch of balloons. Sometimes I think we can overthink these things I guess, and as you suggest, we just need the ‘permission to innovate‘.

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