πŸ“‘ Online Learning Can Be Engaging and Effective

Bookmarked Online Learning Can Be Engaging and Effective – Howard Rheingold – Medium by Howard Rheingold (Medium)

I taught blended learning courses for ten years atΒ UC BerkeleyΒ andΒ StanfordΒ β€” three hour face-to-face meetings each week, with forum, blog, and wiki learning activities spread over the week between classroom sessions. I came to learn that, combined with a co-learner-centric pedagogy, the use of synchronous (videoconference) and asynchronous (forums, blogs, collaborative documents, collaborative highlighting) media between classroom meetings can amplify and vivify the traditional college course. For eight years, I also taught my own online courses at what I called β€œRheingold U.” In March, 2020, when Covid-29 led to the sudden, massive, unplanned advent of online classes, I publishedΒ some advice about teaching and learning online. Now, a year and a half later, after hearing so many less-than-encouraging reports of online failures, I have more to say about how to make the learning experience more engaging and fulfilling β€” with more successful learning outcomes. I have included some of my 2020 piece in this present essay β€” and expanded upon it.

In light of necessity to move to online learning, Howard Rheingold reflects upon his own experiences of online learning in higher education across the last two decades. He unpacks both the pedagogy he employed and the various tools he used to make this more doable, such as forums, blogs, video and social bookmarking. He also ends his piece with a useful list of other resources to dive into.

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