I love the way in which she reproduces the various songs, but also provides her own twists. As much of her music is built around loops it also helped appreciate the different parts.
Place between Kimbra and Reuben Stone
My world on the web
20 track album
I love the way in which she reproduces the various songs, but also provides her own twists. As much of her music is built around loops it also helped appreciate the different parts.
Place between Kimbra and Reuben Stone
I came upon this video (and artist) while looking for different covers of Aphex Twin. His unravelling of Windowlicker is amazing in the way he jumps from one instrument to another like an orchestra of one.
In a video for Ableton, he unpacks his live setup. This includes his use of Max for Live to create aspects of automation.
This music reminds me of Kawehi.