💬 Inquiry focused professional learning

Replied to Inquiry focused professional learning by gregmiller68 (gregmiller68.com)

Effective professional learning is collaborative, inquiry focused and aligned with immediate priority areas of the school. Over the course of this term, teachers at St Luke’s Catholic College have framed their professional learning in response to a driving question.
Initially,  a set of Draft I…

Love the lines of inquiry Greg. I am really intrigued by the challenge of ‘timetables’, especially in balancing the various systemic and contextual requirements.

I asked Peter Hutton at EC17 how Templestowe College managed personalised learning and timetables. His answer was to treat every class like a VCE block.

Having managed a timetable in a P-9, I felt that there were often elements that the junior classes had to adopt in order to fit in with the secondary constraints. Not sure how that aspect plays out within your school?

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