πŸ’¬ Greg McVerry on New Sites

Replied to https://jgregorymcverry.com/3099-2/ (jgregorymcverry.com)

The new Google Sites is just as bad at teaching kids to write the web as the old Google Sites. No where can I find a link to a source code or how to get to a plain text editor. #edtechchat

Firstly Greg, (new) Sites is still in ‘beta’ to my knowledge. Unless it has changed in the last few days with GDPR it is not available in Takeout.

Secondly, I think that they are designing it for automagical websites. You provide the content and AI does the rest. Wasn’t their answer to everything last year AI? (This year it is accessibility IMO).

At least it is easier to use than (old) Sites and responsive.

One response on “πŸ’¬ Greg McVerry on New Sites”

  1. I have always railed against Sites as a bad teaching tool. New or Old. Old let you see the html markup but it was made up and googyfied. New gSites hides the seeds. i have no problem with drag and drop editors but let kids peak behind curtains and change in plain text as well.

    I agree with you Greg about seeing the code. Although the automated approach maybe ‘easier’ the question is at what cost? Something that I have address elsewhere. To me it is similar to Adobe Spark Pages. Although I can whip one up quickly, I am concerned about the ability to ‘own’ the content or code, let alone take it somebody else.

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