💬 Feedback Is Oxygen For Your Ideas — Start With A Minimum Verbal Prototype

Replied to Feedback Is Oxygen For Your Ideas — Start With A Minimum Verbal Prototype by Tom (edte.ch)

When you share a First Verbal Prototype, you activate a feedback loop to develop your creative ideas.

Remember, the only thing worse than a bad idea is to isolate an idea from feedback for too long.

Feedback is oxygen for your ideas. It will help them grow and get stronger, starved of it, and your ideas weaken.

Tom, your discussion of the importance of oxygen has me thinking about the reverse where an idea is stripped of oxygen. I cannot help by think of scene from The Martian where the potatoes freeze to death when exposed.

3 responses on “đź’¬ Feedback Is Oxygen For Your Ideas — Start With A Minimum Verbal Prototype”

  1. @tombarrett your discussion of the importance of oxygen has me thinking about the reverse where an idea is stripped of oxygen. I cannot help by think of scene from The Martian where the potatoes freeze to death when exposed edte.ch/blog/2021/08/1…

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