πŸ’¬ Divorce, Work, Mental Illness, and Being Human

Replied to Divorce, Work, Mental Illness, and Being Human (kinlane.com)

As demonstrated by this post, the most important tool in my toolbox over the last decade has been writing. Writing on API Evangelist has helped me navigate the tech landscape, and writing here on Kin Lane has helped me navigate, well, me. Sometimes it just helps me put things down so that I can think through it all. I still haven’t figured out why I do the public blogging part of it. I know some of my posts here on Kin Lane make people cringe, but it is some strange part of the formula for me. I find the public performance of it all, and sharing of my challenges out in the open very therapeutical, but it isn’t something I would recommend for everyone, because there is definitely a backlash from it. However, the writing is very much a part of getting the voices out of my head and out into the open so that I can force them to make more sense to me, but hopefully also help me be more coherent in my engagements with others.

Thank you so much for sharing so openly Kin. It is truly a case of writing as empathy for others and yourself I guess.

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