πŸ“… Children, Young People & the Future (Alannah & Madeline Foundation)

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Alannah & Madeline Foundation are seeking the perspectives of young people to help guide the future of the organisation:

In planning for the future, we’re commencing an exciting project that works alongside kids aged between 4 – 18 years of age to understand their perspectives, ideas and desires in order to better inform the way in which we represent and protect them today and into the future.

I remember wondering what the future of things like eSmart would be.

In planning for the future, we’re commencing an exciting project that works alongside kids aged between 4 – 18 years of age to understand their perspectives, ideas and desires in order to better inform the way in which we represent and protect them today and into the future.

I guess it starts with asking those it is designed for to help write the next chapter.

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