πŸ‘ After Years of Abusive E-mails, the Creator of Linux Steps Aside

Liked After Years of Abusive E-mails, the Creator of Linux Steps Aside (The New Yorker)

Torvalds has publicly posted thousands of scathing messages targeting programmers who submit what he deems flawed code to the Linux computer-operating-system kernel, which he brought to life more than twenty-five years ago and now administers as a collaborative, open-source project. Today, the Linux kernel is famous, running the enormous computers of Google, PayPal, Amazon, and eBay, and the two billion mobile phones using the Android operating system. Torvalds, though, retains final say over each precious line of code, just as he did when he first started working on the system as a graduate student at the University of Helsinki. For years, he has been known as Linux’s β€œbenevolent dictator for life.”

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