📑 There’s a lullaby for suffering and a paradox to blame… Sales is right about Twitter, but it’s not the full story

Bookmarked There’s a lullaby for suffering and a paradox to blame… Sales is right about Twitter, but it’s not the full story by Mark Fletcher (onlythesangfroid.wordpress.com)

It becomes increasingly difficult to believe that Sales’ critique wasn’t affected by a massive blindspot here. Perhaps if she had engaged in more analysis of the media environment more generally, she would have been less inclined to call out Twitter and ask what it was going to do about the trolls and would have been more inclined to call out mainstream media outlets and ask them what they are going to do to improve the quality of public debate.

Mark Fletcher responds to Leigh Sales argument that Twitter has become unhinged.

He suggests that although Twitter has a problem, to blame everything on this is too simplistic:

It is interesting to read this next to Margaret Simons’ discussion of the journalists responsibility. I am just not sure what the compromise is.

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