📑 The Red Hand Files No. 275

Bookmarked https://www.theredhandfiles.com/jobs-that-are-so-necessary/ (theredhandfiles.com)

I appreciate the fact that you acknowledged those of us that work in jobs that are so necessary that nobody really ever thinks about it (Issue #274). I worked in the sewer system for over 35 years cleaning up everybody’s crap. The wealthy and the poor. I went to work every day and night and missed a lot of my children’s stuff so everyone else could go on spewing their crap in the world. Everyone in the Hallmark world is a writer, artist, antique shop owner, and it isn’t real, so give me a freaking break. Yes, I speak in past tense and present tense but I don’t give a crap about that either. Pouring a lot of crap out there, but I actually am a very happy person and love The Red Hand Files.

Source: Red Hand Files No. 275 by Nick Cave

Nick Cave responds to the comment about the thankless job of both those who work in the sewer system and the artist.

Just as the New York sewerage system is a critical pillar of public health, so too is art, and although art may not literally protect a city from plague and pestilence, it does, in its way, make the world we inhabit that little less noxious. And without pursuing the comparison to absurdity, art has its equivalent trials – blockages abound and gloomy artistic ‘fatbergs’ clog the pipes of inspiration, yet still we gallantly gather up the brown water of experience and rinse it through the purifying vats of our imagination!

Source: Red Hand Files No. 275 by Nick Cave

This reminds me of Brian Eno’s argument that “beautiful things grow out of shit“.

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