Bookmarked Why Wordle Works, According to Desmos Lesson Developers by Dan Meyer (Mathworlds)

If you’re someone who designs learning experiences, I hope you’ll take Wordle as a challenge.

  • Can you create a wealth of learning opportunities with only a simple prompt?
  • Can you design the activity and support so that everyone learns as much from failure as success?
  • Can you offer feedback that goes beyond “right” and “wrong,” that helps learners identify everything right about their wrong answers?
  • Can you make room for multiple paths to correctness?
  • Can you offer learners a representation of their learning they can share with other people?
Approaching Wordle from the perspective of learning and teaching, Dan Meyer summarises five ingredients that have helped make it work so well.

  • Failure is expected.
  • Effective feedback.
  • Different routes to the same answer.
  • Your learning results in a product you can share.
  • It’s social

For a different perspective, Daniel Victor provides a profile of Josh Wardle and the meteoric rise of the once-a-day game. While as an alternative, sajadmh has created a version of Wordle in Google Sheets.