Bookmarked Be careful with Seesaw by Written by sherrattsam (Time Space Education)

A friend of mine returned from Canada recently having been shocked by the proliferation of home-monitoring technology since his last visit and the number of his friends and family who now engage co…

Sam Sherratt stops to consider SeeSaw and the rise of digital documentation. He raises concern about introducing things because they are possible, rather than purposeful. He provides two key questions to stop and think about:

  • When we post something on Seesaw, what are we communicating about the type of learning we value?
  • When people see what we post, what will they learn about the type of learning we value?
Replied to Should I Use Seesaw Or A WordPress Blog In The Classroom? Pros And Cons Of Digital Portfolio Tools (

This post will help you evaluate whether Seesaw is something that’s worth using in your classroom. Or, if blogging with WordPress is a better option to replace or complement Seesaw.

Thank you Kathleen for breaking down the differences and similarities between Seesaw and Edublogs (and blogs). Reading your discussion of ‘dumping’ evidence verses crafting a presence, made me think of my own practice of collecting posts (such as this) versus crafting longer responses.

Some of the further thoughts I had about the differences were around:

  • Parental Engagement: Once set up, Seesaw is easy to engage with either via desktop or mobile. It often feels as if blogs involve more effort.
  • Platform verses Process: I wonder if a focus on Seesaw versus Edublogs overlooks the question of process? I know you touch upon digital presence This was something I tried to grapple with recently in a presentation on using GSuite to support ongoing reporting.
  • Transfer-ability: The one thing that I love about WordPress and Edublogs is that I can easily take my data and load it somewhere else. I am yet to work out what I would do with all the artefacts I collect in Seesaw.

In the end I think that the biggest question that people need to consider is what is trying to be achieved and which tool will help this.

Replied to

Is this only for ‘Pro’ subscription? What format is the ‘.zip’ folder? Can I upload it elsewhere or is it the files as it? Can a school also archive aspects such as Inbox communication?