Thank you Kathleen for breaking down the differences and similarities between
Seesaw and
Edublogs (and blogs). Reading your discussion of ‘dumping’ evidence verses crafting a presence, made me think of my own practice of
collecting posts (such as this) versus
crafting longer responses.
Some of the further thoughts I had about the differences were around:
- Parental Engagement: Once set up, Seesaw is easy to engage with either via desktop or mobile. It often feels as if blogs involve more effort.
- Platform verses Process: I wonder if a focus on Seesaw versus Edublogs overlooks the question of process? I know you touch upon digital presence This was something I tried to grapple with recently in a presentation on using GSuite to support ongoing reporting.
- Transfer-ability: The one thing that I love about WordPress and Edublogs is that I can easily take my data and load it somewhere else. I am yet to work out what I would do with all the artefacts I collect in Seesaw.
In the end I think that the biggest question that people need to consider is what is trying to be achieved and which tool will help this.