- Start every staff meeting with WWW (What Went Well) and encourage each other to share something we are thankful for and/or proud of.
- Share a weekly newsletter, “10 Good Things to Talk About“, that includes 10 (often more) positive things that I have observed or staff have shared that we want our community to know about.
- Write a note of gratitude to EVERY staff member that acknowledges something very personal that each person brings to your school.
- Create a gratitude wall for staff to acknowledge the positives they see around the school.
- Some staff have started their own gratitude journals/apps and even challenged their partners to do the same.
- Have every student in the school write one thing they love about their school on a heart and use these hearts will line our hallways.
- Write one thank you card/note or a gratitude email per week to a staff member/colleague.
- Make one positive phone call a day/week to a family at your school.
- Say thank you. Say it often and keep it authentic and personal.
- Buy a coffee a week for someone and share your appreciation.
I have written about improving staff morale in the past. Wejr’s list provides some new ideas to explore.