🤔 Syndicate ‘Liked’ Posts

Replied to Ask Me Anything (AMA) (Chris Aldrich | BoffoSocko)
Chris, I have been investigating bookmarking lately. I noticed that you trialed Radio3 a while back. I like what it offers in regards to syndication, but was wondering if there was a way of doing the same sort of thing in WordPress? That is, post a ‘Like’ on my site, but publicise the original link? I guess I could do this manually, I was just dreaming of something a little more automated?

One response on “🤔 Syndicate ‘Liked’ Posts”

  1. Thank you Chris for the reply. I really like your point about the bleeding edge:

    I’m sure there are solutions beyond this, but there haven’t been many experimenting with them lately to my knowledge. Welcome to the bleeding edge!

    What I am learning is to sit with my ideas longer, as sometimes possible solutions come in time, as they did with my bookmarking and use of SNAP.

    Thank you also for the link to the post on a Domain of One’s Own. It was probably Watters’ work (along with Alan Levine and the Connect Courses crew) that led me to WordPress and the IndieWeb. I must have missed it when I dived into the topic.

    In regards to your reading workflow, I like your point about immediacy. I think that is the biggest issue that I am having at the moment. It feels as if every choice involves some sort of give and take.

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