πŸ“‘ School closures and COVID-19 – what the research says we should be doing

Bookmarked School closures and COVID-19 – what the research says we should be doing (EduResearch Matters)

We must close all schools in Australia before the spike in the epidemic. Whistle-blowing doctors argue this is a critically important part of using β€œβ€œevery mechanism to β€˜flatten the curve’ β€œ and will buy them time to equip and cope with the rise in cases.

Rachel Wilson looks at the research into the influence of school closures have on flattening the curve of a pandemic.

blockquote>Leaving closure until things look grim, near or after the epidemic peak, means that they are likely to be less effective in slowing the disease.

Interestingly, there was no discussion of the idea that students may not stay at home when they are out of school and expected to stay at home. I still think this is a part of the government’s thinking as confirmed by Brendan Murphy on Four Corners.

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