πŸ€” Reversals in psychology – A list of exaggerated psychological phenomena

Liked Reversals in psychology (gleech.org)

A medical reversal is when an existing treatment is found to actually be useless or harmful. Psychology has in recent years been racking up reversals: in fact only 40-65% of its classic social results were replicated, in the weakest sense of finding β€˜significant’ results in the same direction. (Even in those that replicated, the average effect found was half the originally reported effect.) Such errors are far less costly to society than medical errors, but it’s still pollution, so here’s the cleanup.

α”₯ “”Lots of screen-time is not strongly associated with low wellbeing; it explains about as much of teen sadness as eating potatoes, 0.35%.” “ in Richard Olsen on Twitter: “”Lots of screen-time is not strongly associated with low wellbeing; it explains about as much of teen sadness as eating potatoes, 0.35%.” https://t.co/X2NljTCBBm” / Twitter ()

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