Replying to ‘Filtering with dates in the QUERY function’ – Ben Collins

Replied to Filtering with dates in the QUERY function – Ben Collins (Ben Collins)

Working with dates in the Query function in Google Sheets can be tricky. This tutorial shows you the correct syntax and examples.

This year I have been creating a monthly summary of posts and updates associated with all things GSuite. It occurred to me after nine months that I should really be storing all the links in some sort of database. My question is how to automate the process of turning that into a monthly post.
I have been getting on the GAS and am thinking that QUERY might be a part of my solution. I am therefore trying to get everything working in Sheets first. I have followed your guide to QUERY, even adding in two dynamic selectors (is that what they are called?) that I got from your work on VLOOKUPS. My question is filtering by dates. I have followed your instructions for filtering between two dates:

 =QUERY(Data!$A$1:$H$136,”select C, B where B > date ‘”&TEXT(A1,”yyyy-mm-dd”)&”‘ and B <= date ‘”&TEXT(B1,”yyyy-mm-dd”)&”‘”,1)

But fear that I maybe limited as I have recorded my dates using DD-MM-YYYY. Sheets recognises this as a date as a formatted the cells as ‘DATES’. My spreadsheet settings have also been changed to ‘Australia’. I am wondering if you have any thoughts or suggestions on this? Here is a link to my sheet.

One response on “Replying to ‘Filtering with dates in the QUERY function’ – Ben Collins”

  1. I never cease to be surprised with what I can do with the QUERY formula in Google Sheets. I had a problem today where I wanted to match two datasets using the date column. The problem was that they were in two different formats. So I started searching. Low and behond, I discovered that you can in fact format using the QUERY format. The formula looks something like this:
    =QUERY(A1:C7,"select * format B 'd-mmm-yy (ddd)'")
    These are the available values:

    d | Day without a leading zero for 1-9 (i.e. 7)
    dd | Day with a leading zero for 1-9 (i.e. 07
    ddd | Day as an abbreviation (i.e. Wed)
    dddd | Day as a full name (i.e. Wednesday)
    m (if not preceded or followed by hours or seconds) | Month without a leading zero (i.e. 8)
    mm (if not preceded or followed by hours or seconds) | Month with a leading zero (i.e. 08)
    mmm | Month as an abbreviation (i.e. Aug)
    mmmm | Month as a full name (i.e. August)
    mmmmm | First letter of the month (i.e. A)
    y or yy | Two digit year (i.e. 19)
    yyy or yyyy | Full numeric year (i.e. 2019)

    I know Ben Collins has spoken about formatting dates before, but I never knew there were all these options.

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