πŸ’¬ Removing IndieWeb WordPress Plugins

Replied to Removing IndieWeb WordPress Plugins by Home (islandinthenet.com)

So let me lay it out my option as I see it:

  1. Ccontunue using SemPress
  2. Continue using IndieWeb plugins
  3. Learn CSS so that I can tweak SemPress to look the way I want my website to look

Or realising that most websites I link to can’t receive or process Webmentions:

  1. Find a new theme that displays my content in a way I like
  2. Run the untested Microformat 2 plugin
  3. Continue using IndieWeb plugins

Or, and this is where my thinking is right now:

  1. Find a new theme that displays my content in a way I like
  2. Remove all IndieWeb plugins
Plenty of food for thought here Khurt. I’m still sticking with it, but I can definitely understand your decision.

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