💬 OPEN S02E46 – De nieuwsbrief is verdoemd!

Replied to OPEN S02E46 – De nieuwsbrief is verdoemd! by Frank Meeuwsen (diggingthedigital.com)

I agree with Jonas, the open rate is a good way to see who is still interested in your newsletter. You can use that data to keep your lists clean. That tool is now being taken away from the maker and it remains to be seen what effect this will have on issues such as spam and list hygiene. It’s good that Apple is taking these steps, the email industry is now on the move.

Hi Frank, I read your newsletter, although I am not sure how that counts in regards to analytics. I read your ‘newsletter’ via your blog. Not sure how this count comes through. I liked this piece from Mailpoet in regards to analytics and open rates. It will be interesting to see how this space unfolds. Personally speaking, I am lucky that I do not care too much about my click count – haven’t looked at my analytics for years – but if I did, I guess I would be concerned. I do appreciate the random comment 🙂

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