πŸ’¬ On Collecting Bookmarks

Replied to On Collecting Bookmarks by Ton Zijlstra (zylstra.org)

What do you use for bookmarking? How do you use bookmarks?

I responded to Frank’s response to bookmarks and the realised that you had started the conversation.

I have been bookmarking on my (second) site for a while now. In the past I used Diigo, but I would save everything without much thought. I tinkered with Radio3, but it just did not work for what I was after.

I feel posting on my site has made me more conscious of what I save and share. I have progressively extended this too incorporating the various post kinds.

Before I save bookmarks, I use a combination of Pocket and Trello as a temporary store. I have documented this here.

Hope that helps.


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