πŸ“‘ How Does a Nation Adapt to Its Own Murder?

Bookmarked Opinion | How Does a Nation Adapt to Its Own Murder? (nytimes.com)

Australia is going up in flames, and its government calls for resilience while planning for more coal mines.

Richard Flanagan warns about the threat to drought and bushfire ravaged communities, whether it be the cost of rebuilding or the case of omnicide where places become unlivable.
Building on a previous post, the question is how we the government respond?

If Mr. Morrison’s government genuinely believed the science, it would immediately put a price on carbon, declare a moratorium on all new fossil fuel projects and transfer the fossil fuel subsidies to the renewables industries. It would go to the next round of global climate talks in Glasgow in November allied with other nations on the front line of this crisis and argue for quicker and deeper cuts to carbon emissions around the world. Anything less is to collaborate in the destruction of a country.

But the government is intent on doing nothing.

And to the names of those historic betrayers of their people β€” Vidkun Quisling, Benedict Arnold, Mir Jafar β€” perhaps one day will be added that of Scott Morrison, the prime minister of Australia who, when faced with the historic tragedy of his country’s destruction, dissembled, enabled, subsidized and oversaw omnicide, until all was ash and even the future was no more.

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