📑 File Not Found

Bookmarked Kids who grew up with search engines could change STEM education forever by Monica Chin (The Verge)

Modern college students aren’t organizing their files into folders and directories, forcing some professors to rethink the way they teach programming.

Monica Chin explores some of the changes in student habits when it comes to managing files and data. Where computers are traditionally organised into filing cabinets, this has been replaced for some by the habit of simply searching for the particular item.

Although it can be easy to suggest that ‘digital natives’ may not be digitally native, we also need to consider the ever changing nature digital literacies.

I think another example of this change in regards to digital literacies is the dependency on such applications like Google Maps to provide algorithmic ally generated directions. Although I find it useful to know that there might be accident ahead and an alternate path for getting around it, I also like to have a rough idea about the direction I am travelling.

“John Johnston” in Liked: File not found ()

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