Hi! I’m [halfsheet Post-It]
I believe the world is [no more than three regular Post-Its]
I make money by [halfsheet Post-It]
My employers are [no more than three halfsheet Post-Its]
My key work skills are [no more than three regular Post-Its]
My key personal attributes are [no more than three regular Post-Its]
My key lifestyle risks are [three regular Post-Its]
My key work risks are [three regular Post-Its]
Risks parking lot
Above all, to be successful, I need to [three regular Post-Its]
My key next steps are [three regular Post-Its]
This continues on from a past post reimagining the traditional resume, instead focusing on what you are proud of.
I wish there was a place where I could read the story of a person. Everybody’s journey is so different and beautiful; each one leads to who we are. It would be the anti-LinkedIn. And because you wouldn’t “engage with brands”, it would be the anti-Facebook, too. Instead, it would be a record of the beauty and diversity of humanity, and a thing to point to when someone asks, “who are you?”
I am also reminded of Doug Belshaw’s thoughts on emojis, identity and trust.