📑 Matt Schmidt on Why Do We Still Have Reports?

Bookmarked Why do we STILL have reports? by Matt Schmidt (What Ed Said)

We ditched ‘traditional reports’ at the start of last year for exactly these reasons. We have every child on a collaborative google sheets document shared with parents, teachers and Principal. Through this we have goals, evidence, feedback, learning stories, summative assessment, formative assessment, self-reflection, parent feedback……24/7 access……learning conversations available every term, sharing evenings twice a term….there’s a mid year and end of year summary as well to meet the legislative requirements for ‘reporting in plain language twice a year’ – up to parents whether it’s printed off or not…..Leaders just need to be brave enough to lead change and educate their communicate to come on the journey with them!

In this response to Edna Sackson, Matt Schmidt reflects upon the way that his school uses Google Sheets to support a more agile and flexible reporting. It is interesting to see the use of such tools to create more personalised solutions.

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