🎧 Win/Win: Why Billionaire Philanthropists are Bad at School Reform (Have You Heard)

Listened Win/Win: Why Billionaire Philanthropists are Bad at School Reform – Have You Heard from haveyouheardblog.com

We uphold through what we passively assent to this world and schools uphold it by what they put on the board and who they raise money from … We are all in on a world that has entrusted the super-rich to become our saviors.

In the latest episode of Have You Heard, Jennifer and Jack talk to Anand Giridharadas about his best-selling new book, Winners Take All: the Elite Charade of Changing the World. The discuss the place private investment on education today and the win-win culture that it creates. Instead, of the ‘feudal’ relationship at place we need to focus on four key aspects: public, democratic, universal and institutional. The future should not be based on a hedge fund.

3 responses on “🎧 Win/Win: Why Billionaire Philanthropists are Bad at School Reform (Have You Heard)”

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