“With TFS, I think the world just caught up to our thing. We’ve been plying our trade for years and I think the world has finally become as anxious and neurotic as we’ve always sounded,” says Liddiard.
On a side note, I really enjoyed Liddiard’s breakdown of his setup.
Deep States does feel a bit all over the place, but what works for it (as it does for everything Liddiard has been involved with) is the overpowering confidence with which it is performed. Most songs feel like stepping into the middle of an improv session, and the lyrics at first may seem to be conjured up on the spot (although on closer inspection it is obvious that this is not the case). However, the abrasive and uncompromising presentation of this material leaves the listener with the firm understanding that it could not have been put in other words or played any other way.
You may well get to the end of Deep States unsure what you’ve just been subjected to; you may also discover that this is no barrier to wanting to experience it all again and again.