As I go further into the world of SQL and scripting, I can see how a lot of my processes are going to change.
get-childitem *.mp3
This lists all files whose names end with .mp3. They are then piped to the next command with the | operator.foreach { rename-item $_ $_.Name.Replace(“Radiohead -“, “”) }
This replaces all instances of Radiohead – with nothing, denoted by “”, effectively wiping the word from all the files in the directory.You could also modify get-childitem *.mp3 to get-childitem β that would rename all the files in the directory, not just files whose names end with .mp3.
I was cleaning up my phone and find some files that I wanted to update in bulk. I knew that it was doable, but had never properly delved into this world (or Googled it). I found this guide to using PowerShell to do it.