๐Ÿ“‘ Success means you get to do it again tomorrow

Bookmarked Steve Albini, an alternative rock pioneer and legendary producer for Nirvana and the Pixies, dies at 61 by ABC News (ABC News)

The legendaryย producer who recorded music for bands including Nirvana, the Pixies, and PJ Harvey dies after a heart attack.

Steve Albini, music engineer at Electrical Audio Recording, died of a heart attack. In honour, Austin Kleon shared the following quote:

โ€œIโ€™ve lived my whole life without having goals, and I think thatโ€™s very valuable, because then I never am in a state of anxiety or dissatisfaction. I never feel I havenโ€™t achieved something. I never feel there is something yet to be accomplished. I feel like goals are quite counterproductive. They give you a target, and until the moment you reach that target, you are stressed and unsatisfied, and at the moment you reach that specific target you are aimless and have lost the lodestar of your existence. Iโ€™ve always tried to see everything as a process. I want to do things in a certain way that I can be proud of that is sustainable and is fair and equitable to everybody that I interact with. If I can do that, then thatโ€™s a success, and success means that I get to do it again tomorrow.โ€


Here is a link to the ‘Steve Albini’ sound. Interestingly, Annie Clark spoke about going to record at Electrical Audio for All Born Screaming.

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