πŸ‘ Storytelling And The Technological Nothing

Liked Storytelling And The Technological Nothing (kinlane.com)

90% of what you are being told about AI, Blockchain, and automation right now isn’t truthful. It is only meant allocate space in your imagination, so that at the right time you can be sold something, and distracted while your data, privacy, and security can be exploited, or straight up swindled out from under you.

One response on “πŸ‘ Storytelling And The Technological Nothing”

  1. This episode of Future Tense raised so many questions. Just because we could, it doesn’t always mean we should. For me, this is the point of the Black Mirror series.
    I am also reminded of Kin Lane’s point about storytelling:

    90% of what you are being told about AI, Blockchain, and automation right now isn’t truthful. It is only meant allocate space in your imagination, so that at the right time you can be sold something, and distracted while your data, privacy, and security can be exploited, or straight up swindled out from under you.

    This flows on from Audrey Watters’ argument:

    The best way to invent the future is to issue a press release. The best way to resist this future is to recognize that, once you poke at the methodology and the ideology that underpins it, a press release is all that it is.

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