💬 Sheets Tip #312: The Missing Link 🔗

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In this newsletter, we’re looking at how to use hyperlinks in Google Sheets. And, if you’re an advanced user, I’ve got a spicy formula for you at the end of the newsletter.

Sheets Tip #312: The Missing Link 🔗 by Ben Collins

Ben, I really like the spicy solution regarding hyperlinks:

=HYPERLINK( "#gid=0&range=A" & ArrayFormula( MAX( IF( ISBLANK(A2:A), 0, ROW(A2:A))))+1 , "Add Data")

I had never thought about the fact that you can reference a cell and what possibilities that may allow.

It had me wondering about linking to a cell in a table via a drop-down menu / wild card search using the MATCH function to add a link to a table row:

=HYPERLINK("gid=0#gid=0&range=B" & MATCH(B$1, 'Sheet1'!B2:B, 0) + ROW('Sheet1'!B2) - 1, B1)

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