πŸ’¬ Pedagogical Activist

Replied to Pedagogical Activist (andreastringer.blogspot.com)

One person, one political party, one organisation cannot
design a dynamic learning culture; it needs to be a collective effort. A
collective review and renewal of our curriculum and assessment practises to
allow organisations/schools to design, facilitate and lead dynamic learning
opportunities for our students. Students, teachers and educational leaders need
to have more influence and be more involved in the decision-making process. As the tweets and analogies above highlight, maybe it’s time we rethink
education in Australia.

  • What isn’t working in our context?
  • What is working well and how do we know this?
  • What can we learn from research, data and evidence?
  • What can we learn from other countries and contexts?
  • How could we adapt what we learn from others for our context? (not replicate)
  • How can we give all stakeholders a voice in the decision making process?
  • How can we promote and recognise educators as the ‘professionals’?
  • Who is prepared to take a risk for our students’ education?
  • What should we drop, retain or introduce?
I love the statement:

Let’s be pedagogical activists.

In part, this reminds me of a recent post I read about relationships and pedagogical love. I feel that we need to be committed to ongoing development, adjusting to the needs of the class and context at hand.

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