Online Omnichord
General Instructions
You can play three “types” of sounds with this online omnichord.
Chords. You can play chords by using three rows of keys. qwerty… corresponds to the top row of buttons, and plays major chords. asdfg… corresponds to the middle row of buttons, and plays minor chords. And, as you may have guessed, zxcvb… corresponds to the last row of buttions, and plays 7th chords. As an example, q plays Eb major, d plays F minor, and b plays G7. Clicking the central 27 buttons with the mouse doesn’t do anything.
Note: the chord buttons are the only buttons on the omnichord that don’t respond to mouse clicks. For all other buttons, you should interact with the mouse.
Harp/Strumplate. You can play harp sounds by using the row of keys 1234…-+. The currently playing chord, or last played chord if memory is off, determines the pitch of the harp sounds. For example, if Eb major is the current chord, then the harp sounds will be one of Eb, G, and Bb. There are two main styles of playing the strumplate. You can either play individual notes (like a piano) or “strum” it by sliding your finger over the keys (like a guitar).
Rhythm. The rhythm’s volume is 0 by default. You can increase the volume if you want to hear it; there is no on/off switch. You can also adjust the tempo and choose between 6 different rhythms.