đź’¬ Listened to Helen DeWaard by Terry Greene from Gettin’ Air The Open Pedagogy Podcast | voicEd

Replied to Listened to Helen DeWaard by Terry Greene from Gettin’ Air The Open Pedagogy Podcast | voicEd by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (boffosocko.com)

Helen mentions her one word projects and it reminds me that I should ask Aaron Davis how his 2019 word has been going. I should spend some time thinking this week and next to see if I can’t pick a word for 2020. I’m sort of thinking that “memory” may be an apropos one.

My focus on flânography has been an interesting enterprise that I feel has been as much about doing as it has been about the actual intent. As we draw to the end of the year, I have been thinking about my learnings and will try and find some time to out it all together.

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